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Lindum Heritage

Lindum Heritage Wins Major Business Award

On Wednesday 7 July Lindum Heritage was declared outright winner of the Lincolnshire & Rutland 'Future Winning Business Award' 2004. The award was presented at the region's Annual Awards Dinner held at Lincoln Castle. The oscars style black-tie event was attended by some 400 people.

Lindum Heritage was up against some very strong competition in the form of three other recently formed companies. Having reached this shortlist Lindum Heritage had to face a detailed judging process undertaken by senior members of the management team at JSP Solicitors of Lincoln, the award sponsor. The judges recognised that the company had rapidly built a strong position within the region's tourism/education market by providing a high quality product within a niche market, the commercial development of which was supported by a well structured business plan. The judges focused in particular on marketing, financial control and, naturally, legal compliance. We are pleased to say we scored highly in all these areas.

The award recognises the future prospects for Lindum Heritage within the area of specialist short break provision, particularly in archaeology and history activities and within the East Midlands region. It is extremely encouraging for everyone involved with the company to have this significant award so early in our development. Despite having clearly done well during the judging phase we did not know we had won until the night and the words "And the winner is ... Lindum Heritage" were spoken by the award presenter!

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